Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Episode 26 - @chrismessina on Conversational Commerce, Relationship Design, and the Future of Brands

Episode 26 - @chrismessina on Conversational Commerce, Relationship Design, and the Future of Brands


Chris Messina and I go over a recent article of his on the evolution of conversational commerce and bots, and how to steer the industry towards better products. Relationship Design, Augmented Reality, and Natural Language.

Chris Messina is one of the like highest level thinkers in terms of product design for our technological world. No matter where you fit in the industry – or in general most people in my audience are here learn about trends and how to use your skills to build a more delightful world for profit – you’re going to want to listen to these ideas.

About the Guest

From Twitter: Ever-curious product designer and technologist. Hashtag inventor. Previously: (YC W18), Uber, Google.

Yes, Chris is the inventor of the famous hashtag as you can see through his tweet here.

Chris’s original article on conversational commerce.
His followup in 2016.
And his final followup in 2018 just recently.

Thoughts on the UX of Bots

Full interview on Machine Yearning – this is the podcast that I recently responded to which started this conversation.

Sephora’s Augmented Reality Makeup App

Related Episodes
Episode 20 on Imperfect Bots, talking about Chris’s Machine Yearning podcast discussion
Episode 14 on AI Communism
Episode 12 on Virtual Friends and Virtual Enemies, which is a discussion with Marissa Chacko about building good internet/bot products. This weeks episode really builds on this.
Episode 7 with Dennis Crowley

Better Call Saul out tonight!
Check out the related podcast Better Talk Saul with Dylan Schuck

Episode 27 - Big Algorithm, Fat Tails, and Converging Priors

Episode 27 - Big Algorithm, Fat Tails, and Converging Priors

Episode 25 - The Great Twitter Purge of 2018

Episode 25 - The Great Twitter Purge of 2018

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