Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Episode 7 - Dennis Crowley on Inspiration, Innovation, and Future Tech

Episode 7 - Dennis Crowley on Inspiration, Innovation, and Future Tech


Today I talk to famed Foursquare Founder Dennis Crowley. His approach to being a tech entrepreneur has inspired us all! Just listen.

We talk about his approach to trying out new ideas, and the current landscape for consumer technology and where we may be headed. Finally, we talk about Foursquare's recent foray into bots and beyond.

Now for the links!

In terms of old product Demo's we mentioned Jeff Han of NYU with multitouch in 2006 and that fits well with Steve Jobs and the first iPhone in 2007.

For the books and movies mentioned, there's Neil Stevenson's Snow Crash. Read about Harry Potter's Marauder's Map. Here's the Ready Player One trailer, for a movie coming out later this year. The book came out in 2011. There's also lawnmower Man, and of course Her. The entire series of Black Mirror to date is on Netflix. And finally, The Bachelor.

For more of Dennis's stuff, check out his Foursquare and Twitter accounts. Check out what's happening with the Kingston Stockade soccer team. And a recent podcast from Dennis on Inside the Hive with Nick Bilton that we referenced several times on the show. This was the one that has more "emotion rollercoaster" type stuff.

And for Foursquare, checkout our jobs page first. Download Marsbot, and for more people to follow who worked on that project, I'd recommend Product Manager Marissa Chacko and UX writer Emily Kane. Also Marissa has a video on bots as do I for Traction and Talkabot respectively.

Here's an article about Foursquare's Pilgrim SDK, along with a meetup talk by Daniel Kronovet and a Blog Post. and finally a link back to Stephanie Yang's Episode 3 on ratings. Stephanie was kind enough to take a few pictures during recording.

Episode 8 - Bad Ideas, the Power of Suggestion, and Marsbot

Episode 8 - Bad Ideas, the Power of Suggestion, and Marsbot

Episode 6 - Facebook Data and the Election, Decentralization to the Rescue

Episode 6 - Facebook Data and the Election, Decentralization to the Rescue