Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Episode 196 - Viking Tree Rings and the Prospects of a Trump Social

Episode 196 - Viking Tree Rings and the Prospects of a Trump Social

Max and Aaron get together late one night to give you the October New Update, covering
- The dating of the Viking Settlement in Newfoundland
- The Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong hailing his policy of removing political activism at work 1 year on
- The prospects of a Trump Social Network, and our predictions about it
- A previous of a future episode where we'll discuss a previous blog post from Max on Passive Computing


NYT: Vikings Newfoundland Age
Amazon: Viking Heart by Arthur Herman
Nature: Paper on Viking Colony

Coinbase: Original Blog Post on Mission Focused Company
Brian Armstrong: It’s Going Well
WSJ: Trump’s Social Media Platform
Max’s Blog: Passive Computing

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