Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Episode 96 - Climate Protests, Pascal’s Wager, and the Duplicitous Science Press

Episode 96 - Climate Protests, Pascal’s Wager, and the Duplicitous Science Press

Max gives a first hand account of the climate protests during the Yale Harvard football game which delayed the game by almost an hour. He breaks down the arguments made by climate activists, and relates it to Pascal’s Wager, a concept in probabilities that relates to infinite values, and how it can be abused. Max and Aaron discuss a couple of news articles on scientific discoveries and break down how they analyze them.


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Deep Learning with Structured Data will teach you to apply powerful deep learning analysis techniques to structured data found in the relational databases that real-world businesses depend on.

Mark Ryan is Episode 87:


Links and Articles

Max’s call-in on The Lisa Wexler Show

Guardian: OpEd by Protestor (uses words like “neocolonialism”)

Wikipedia: Pascal’s Wager
Article from 1992: Uses Pascal’s Wager to Push for Climate Policy

LA Times: Flip Flops on Red Meat
The old Food Guide Pyramid
MIT News: Better Sleep, Better Grades

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